Keynote 2
"How to overcome intellectual disability stigma"

Katrina Scior
Katrina is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Stigma Studies at University College London, Director of the UCL Unit for Stigma Research and Co-Director of UCL’s Centre for Research in Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (CIDDR). She is also Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London; Visiting Professor with the Institute of Participatory Research, Katho NRW (Germany); Associate Senior Researcher, Millenium Institute for Care Research (MICARE), Santiago de Chile; and member of Validity Foundation’s Expert Panel on Access to Justice.
Katrina recently led research jointly led by the UN Development Programme and UN Women aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination experienced by women and girls globally, and has advised national and international organisations, including Mencap (UK) and Special Olympics.
She has published widely on stigma and inclusion, focused on intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health, dementia and stigmatised physical health conditions. Her research aims to increase our understanding of stigma in relation to IDD, to develop robust measurement tools to evaluate stigma, and to develop evidence-based interventions to achieve stigma reduction at multiple levels. She is joint editor with Shirli Werner of Stigma and Intellectual Disability: Stepping out from the Margins (2016).